Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ban Religion?

Elton John thinks so:

Religion should be outlawed because it lacks compassion and promotes hatred.


"Organized religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into really hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate. The world is near escalating to World War Three and where are the leaders of each religion?”

Three and a half years ago, I would have thought his statements were a tad bit radical, but now, not so much. In fact, today I have to say that I agree with him.

I have lived my entire life as a Catholic. I was born, baptized, educated, and married in the Catholic Church, and then I turned around and repeated the cycle with my own 3 children. But today, not one member of my family considers them self a Catholic anymore. And why would we?

The big question that haunts me now is why in the hell it took finding out I had a gay son before I saw through the Catholic Church and organized religion in general. As far as I’m concerned, Elton John’s words aren’t strong enough!

God I feel betrayed, duped, and so damned angry I could spit. Share

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