Monday, June 25, 2007

If they can't be married in Massachusetts --- then who will help me with my lawn?

Here is yet another article which backs up the theory that the more people are able to see for themselves that gays and lesbians are no threat to them, we will continue to see the momentum towards full equality grow stronger and stronger.

No wonder people like James Dobson and Peter LaBarbera are becoming more shill and desperate in their never ending quest to keep gays and lesbians invisible and in the shadows:

An elderly Massachusetts woman felt her opposition to gay marriage melt away after "this lovely couple" moved in next door with their children.

Her change of heart, recounted by the Boston Globe, happened because she came to see the gay men -- among the nearly 10,000 gay couples who've wed in her state since 2004 -- as the neighbors eager to lend a hand.

"If they can't be married in Massachusetts, they're going to leave -- and then who would help me with my lawn?" she asked, urging her state lawmaker to also change and protect gay couples' right to marry by blocking a referendum designed to abolish that right. That lawmaker did change.

And that was not the only lawmaker who heard from constituents who’d changed their minds:

And so did others, leading to a stunning victory for equality: On June 14, opponents of gay marriage failed to clear a very low hurdle. To put the anti-gay measure on the state's 2008 ballot, they needed just 25 percent of the legislature. They fell 5 votes short.

The proposal was crushed, 151-45, after Gov. Deval Patrick weighed in against it. Afterward, he declared, "In Massachusetts today, the freedom to marry is secure." Now, a ban couldn't go to voters until 2012, after five more years of lovely married gay couples mowing elderly neighbors' lawns.

Visibility. Is. Our. Best. Weapon. Share

1 comment:

tina FCD said...

That sounds so much like a good title for a book!