Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oh this could be too much to ask for…

Tight Race: Dallas mayoral candidate Tom Leppert (left) and Ed Oakley

Update: Alas, it was not to be. Mr. Oakley conceded.

The victory in Massachusetts was monumental and historic. I’ll be savoring this historic victory for quite some time.

But be still my heart! Could another historic event be just around the corner?

Well the answer is a very possible YES. If Ed Oakley, a three-term Dallas city councilman wins a run-off election tomorrow, Dallas will become the first of the 10 largest U.S. cities to elect an openly gay mayor.

I thought what happened in Massachusetts was groundbreaking, but a gay mayor in Dallas would be right up there with the victory in Massachusetts.

I mean c’mon --- Dallas?

Hat tip Steve at The Carpetbagger Report


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