Monday, November 26, 2007

Homo-socksuals vs Hetero-socksuals

I received a wonderful email pointing me to this and I just had to share:

(I dream of a Church that joins in with God’s laughing…)

Where do socks go after you put them in the washing machine? This deep theological question has been plaguing the human mind ever since the invention of the wash and spin cycle.

Who among us has not been befuddled and confounded when, having made the transfer from washer to dryer, and begun to sort through the clean laundry basket, been confronted with the spectacle of one lone sock?

For many of us, the remedy has been to put the lonely sock quietly away in the dresser drawer and forgot about it; claiming that singleness is now its true vocation.

But for a significant minority, the answer has been not to consign the single sock to the everlasting darkness of the drawer, but to mix their socks: gray with black, brown with beige, blue with navy blue. We now call such people Hetero-socksuals – people who wear different kinds of socks at the same time.

Understandably, this situation has caused huge stir in the Anglican Communion. Until recently, we only blessed people who wore the same socks on their feet; black with black, white with white, blue with blue. We call these people homo-socksuals. Same-socks wearers.

Most of us have been reared in a culture and a religion which has blessed homo-socksuality as the norm. The idea of people wearing different kinds of socks at the same time has sounded perverse and unbiblical.

In the past, hetero-socksuals had to be discreet. They wore long pants to cover their different socks. They avoided crossing their legs while seated and rarely wore shorts in public.

But today, hetero-socksuality is all around us and many of our Canadian provinces have gone so far as to allow for the legal wearing of different socks.

The rest can be found here.

Thank you for the smile Jan. Share


Anonymous said...

That was truly fantastic! Someone is brilliant!

Jan said...

I loved reading this again! Also, I'm glad it brought you a smile. I've missed your posts.

Dean P said...

Actually the reason that one sock vanishes is that when they happen to be aligned exactly the same way, if there's a spark, they fuse into one sock . . . it's simple, applied metaphysics, really.