Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Representative Trent Franks(R-AZ)

I never, ever thought I'd be writing you, even though I am an Arizona resident and native of this state at that. But lo and behold, here I am, not only writing you, but searching for just the right words to thank you for condemning the anti-gay Uganda legislation that if passed would mandate a death sentences for active homosexuals living with HIV, impose life imprisonment for anyone convicted of a homosexual act, and imprison for 3 years or more anyone who does not turn in to authorities someone they know to be gay within 24 hours (and that would include family, friends, and clergy).

There are no words strong enough to convey the depth of my gratitude. It is so refreshing to finally see men of faith actually walk the walk, and you sir have done just that by writing this letter to to urge President Yoweri Museveni to stop this heinous bill from becoming law.

Thank you so very much for restoring this seething mom's faith that there are still people out there who will do the right thing regardless of the political ramifications you may face from your own party.

Seething Mom Share

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