Friday, November 12, 2010

Cindy McCain adds her voice to an anti-bullying message from NOH8 Campaign

Thank you Cindy McCain for lending your powerful voice to this cause. I just wish your husband had an ounce of the wisdom and compassion that you and your daughter, Meghan, have.

With love,
a mom who has a gay child...

Update: I guess Cindy has completely reversed herself on DADT. I suppose her cranky old homophobic nasty husband went on one of his famous tirades over her involvement with anything pro-gay and made life so miserable for her that throwing her own values out was the only way to tolerate being in the same room with him. And as we all know homophobia and bigotry is a must in GOP politics - it is all hate, all homophobia, all bigotry, all the time if you want to be a good GOP soldier. I for one feel badly for Cindy. I'd be a schizophrenic mess too if I had to live with ole grampy McCreep. It's bad enough having him as my senator.

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