Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 11, 2015 is the day we celebrate the 27th anniversary of National Coming Out Day

Via The Human Rights CampaignComing out is a powerful tool we can all use to advance LGBT equality. In honor of National Coming Out Day this Sunday, we celebrate all those who have come out and bravely shared their true, authentic selves with the world.

It is so much harder to hate a real live person than a scary, nasty, evil concept. This is why the James Dobsons (Focus on the Family) of the world fought tooth and nail to keep schools from including glbtq kids in their anti-bullying policies. These so-called "family" organizations wanted the environments at schools to be so hostile and scary for glbtq kids that they would be too afraid to come out of the closet. Organizations like Focus on the Family knew that it is much easier to keep their true believers terrified of a faceless gay boogieman than that real live kid who sits next to your child in biology class.

So yes! Kick that door down. Lift that heavy burden from your shoulders. Come Out and Don't Look Back! Life is hard enough without having to hide such a big part of yourself.



Anonymous said...

I completely forgot it was NCOD yesterday until around 8pm when I got looking through my Timehop posts. I turned to my partner and said, "Oh yeah, Happy National Coming Out Day, babe." Hope your day was great.

Seething Mom said...

Well happy NCOD to you Jarred! So good to hear from you.