To my wonderful, Hell Bound son: You’ve sure come a long way since you wrote that heart wrenching essay 4 years ago.
We’ve sure enjoyed watching you blossom. You’ve gone from a scared little boy who thought he had the weight of the world on his shoulders to a confident young man who has the world by the tail.
See we told you, everything would be alright and you’d be fine. You should listen to your parents more often – huh? So go for it baby, make your mark on the world, show em what you’ve got ---- and don’t look back.
And to my readers, posting will be a little spotty for the next week or two. I am on the road, heading to Seattle to see my son graduate. I’ve got my computer and a lot of good intentions, but something tells me I won’t be online as much as I'd like. But I know you all will understand...
See you soon.
Please offer your son my congratulations as well as my best wishes for the future. I'm sure you couldn't be prouder.
-- Jarred.
I had the opportunity to meet Seething Mom's middle son earlier this year, and I can honestly say that he might end up being the most gracious, humble, inspiring and kindest individual I'll ever meet in my lifetime. And I'm sure we're going to remain friends for a long time to come. Congrats to him, and to Mom for raising her kids right!
Yay! Congratulations!
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